Friday, April 3, 2015

This blog is quite outdated, but it's a nice reminder of how my jewelry has evolved. Check out my latest creations on my new website:

So much has changed in my life since 2008. I have worked for a few different jewelry companies, acquired treasures at the Tucson Gem Show, learned metal-smith skills and casting, all of which has influenced the evolution of my jewelry. I have gotten married and lost my father. As life changes so does my jewelry.

This is the first round of cast pieces I made. A set of pendants as mourning jewelry. On the back of the skull pendant it says dem bones. My dad reveled in cooking for our entire family and the tradition was to play that song while cooking the ribs. My dad had lots of sayings he would randomly throw out there, especially when he was in a good mood. "Dem bones!" Was one of them. The back of the eye pendant says - keeping an eye out for the beauty in life. This is a reminder to not get too weighed down with sorrow from missing my dad. Life is full of beauty and the whole joy of living is finding beauty and appreciating it...all of it, including death.

I'm feeling very tender as the one year anniversary of my dad's death approaches. I can't help but tear up when I recall the last time I gave him a hug and told him I love him. It's not a coincidence that I tried a new medium, wax carving/casting and became 100% dedicated to my new ideas. A big part of keeping my soul happy and balanced during these difficult times has been escaping into my creative flow zone. So thank you to everyone who supports me through my jewelry. While my driving force for making jewelry is the creative process, sales are validating and help me invest in new materials and designs. Please take a look at my new website: launching my line of cast pieces. If any of the pieces speak to you use coupon "DEMBONES" for 20% off. Tell your friends and thanks again for the support.

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